The Core Masterclass

The Future is Now — Build a Foundation to Meet It

My practice focuses on helping organizations, individuals & teams meet their future. This involves building the vital foundation necessary to achieve valued outcomes — including engagement, resilience, growth & productivity, as the external environment quickly evolves. An investment in core stability may help to your organization become “future proof”.

I have worked with individuals & teams representing the auto, education, technology, retail, hotel & non-profit sectors, where I help teams & face obstacles, build internal capabilities and move forward. I rely on a detailed analysis of both history & valued goals, utilizing process consultation techniques.

The Core Masterclass for Individuals

The Core Masterclass for individuals is a unique program designed to help participants explore the foundation of their work lives. The training addresses an individual’s own Core Stabilitya confluence of elements, such as clarity concerning work life direction and psychological safety.

The exploration unfolds in 5, 1 hour conversations, rooted in psychological research and countless work life stories. Each conversation includes a curated reading list, concept guides and exercises. Prep required.

The Core Masterclass for Management/Leadership Teams

This unique training program illuminates how the core impacts the capabilities of leadership & management teams. The course includes curated readings, exercises, organic case studies, concept guides and addresses the application of key concepts to real time challenges. The course draws deeply upon personal reflection, published people-focused research and a respect for what the role of leader/manager can & should be.

“The team walked away from these sessions stronger, energized and able to immediately operationalize the key concepts we discussed over the two-day course.” – Rachel White, Director Product Line Delivery Services, ServiceNow

The course is delivered in a unique private site format, where all materials are immediately available for review and reflection. The program begins with a 1 hour launch session, followed by two 1 to 1.5-hour facilitated sessions to round out the delivery process. The course can be scaled to larger groups, with an additional fee for each break-out group (8 max). Please note: The course is particularly helpful for those transitioning into managerial roles. Sessions delivered via Zoom.